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Yang, G.-Y., Ferrett, S., Woolnough, S., Methven, J. and Holloway, C. E. (2021) Real-time identification of equatorial waves and evaluation of waves in global forecasts. Weather and Forecasting. ISSN 0882-8156 doi:
Ayesiga, G., Holloway, C. E., Williams, C. J., Yang, G.-Y. and Ferrett, S. (2021) The observed synoptic scale precipitation relationship between Western Equatorial Africa and Eastern Equatorial Africa. International Journal of Climatology. ISSN 0899-8418 doi:
Ferrett, S., Collins, M., Ren, H.-L., Wu, B. and Zhou, T. (2020) The role of tropical mean-state biases in modeled winter Northern Hemisphere El Niño teleconnections. Journal of Climate, 33 (11). ISSN 1520-0442 doi:
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Ferrett, S., & Collins, M. (2019). ENSO feedbacks and their relationships with the mean state in a flux adjusted ensemble. Climate Dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3270-9
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